The Facade...
Everyone wears a "face"... More often than not, we would try to read these faces, but we seldom succeed in getting the perfect reason, meaning and interpretation of the "face" one is wearing... Sometimes, we even get confused over dozens of indescribable "face" we encounter as we journey along this life. Most recently, I have had an alarming dilemma... A group of friends were having a party in a yacht... Each of them may only invite 1 friend to join or more if some of them does not bring any as long as the total number of friends on board remains the same. I was invited to join this party one time, and me and the rest of the invited guests were so excited. It was my first time, not to some though. I was one of the youngest member of the team, so it's my time to get this party experience. One day though, one of the organizers approached me and said, one has to let this party go since we have to make room for the "pilot". And if it's ok...