Wedding Pics |
Four years ago, on January 25, 2007, Labsy and I finally vowed to a commitment to love each other and be that special person to one another as a husband and wife. Every year since then, we normally tried to make it extra special for us. Although it doesn't necessarily mean an extravagant celebration, but a celebration together, a time just for each other, away from the keyboard strokes and the orders of the bosses. Last year, we spent it away from each other, thus we tried to make it up this year.
Bouquet from Labsy 01/25/2010 |
But wait, let me tell you how my Labsy managed to surprise me last year with a bang! He knew we wouldn't be together on that special day, he was in Dubai then. Earlier, before he left for Dubai, I had no idea he requested a group of kids playing Rondalla, where his nieces Dianne, Dara and Dana are members. Thanks to our Kuyas (Dario and Danny) who made the arrangement for Labsy. It was the only anniversary where I worked in the office, Labsy's not here to spend time with, so why not? Little did I know that he was able to contact my previous supervisor (Ma'am Norms) to let the kids get into the office, to play some songs for me.
The Anniversary Surprise |
Ma'am Norms and few officemates went out of their way to led the group of kids to the conference room. Momi Shei, my officemate too, took me there in lieu of her telling me a secret story, and wallah!, there they are. The kids started to play some love songs, one of which is the song that Labsy always sings on a karaoke "No arms can ever hold you more than I do". My officemates were so touched and some even cried with the gesture. Well, me? No, I did not cry, I was smiling in and out. I loved it and missed Labsy more. After every song I would looked around, wishing at the end of the song, Labsy would appear from the crowd and would tell me, "I'm home".
Gifts from Lay & Doy |
Well, he didn't, but the songs linger on every heart that heard them. Then I thought, next year, it would be us, away, far away from the rest. Just the two of us... And it happened!
Four of us went for an adventure to Palawan, me, Labsy, Doy and Lay. And before the anniversary date, Lay and Doy, gave us an anniversary gift, a couple shirt. That's what we wore as we jumped off from Davao to Manila on January 22. We were together until early morning of January 25th, where Doy and Lay head to the airport for their flight home. So, on our anniversary, it was just the two of us...
At the Ranch |
We had all the sun, sea and sand experience for a couple of days prior, so on our special day, we enjoyed the city life of Puerto Princesa. We only visited some places we were interested in. We were able to make an arrangement with a tricycle driver to drive us to some spots around the city for Php 200.00 only. This amount includes the ride from the airport to our dorm, then from the dorm to Chowking, where we had brunch first, then off to the various places around the city of Puerto Princesa.
The House at the Ranch |
THE RANCH : We first visited the ranch of former Senator Mitra. We stayed for a while, feeling the fresh air and nice smell of nature. It was very relaxing on that side of the city. It would be perfect during siesta time. I got sleepy staying there.
Baker's Hill mini cakes display |
BAKER'S HILL : After a relax moment at the ranch of Senator Mitra, we then continued our visits to the Baker's Hill. At first, all we thought, it was just a simple bakery. But no, it wasn't! We were awed with the nice things they put together on this place. It's very cozy and nice art creations to dazzle your eyes with.

Labsy and I had so much fun exploring the ins and outs of Baker's Hill. We both love their way of making the place more than just a place to dine in or buy some bread. It's also a place to hang around with friends while having some snacks to munch on or just to sit around and relax and spend time with yourself.

After we gave ourselves the tour, with a few jumping, running around and docking to position the camera on a perfect place at a perfect time in Baker's Hill, we sat and laugh our exhaustion out. Then we bought some fish and shrimp balls to feed our weary selves and some juice with gulaman to take our thirst away.
At Baker's Hill |
THE MANSION : Along the way, I saw this mansion and requested our driver to make a quick stop. Well, I was just curious about it, so I insisted, and Kuya Driver was just kind enough to grant my request. So we made a short stop at the front gate of the mansion of Ret. Commodore N. Hernandez to take a few pictures of the big house in the middle of this spacious land.
Ret. Commodore's Masion |
After a fun filled morning and early afternoon, we took a couple of hours to rest at the dorm to have more energy for a cozy anniversary date night later.
We planned to dine at the famous Kalui of Palawan, and earlier, our very kind tricycle driver, gave us the contact number of Kalui. He told us that the said restaurant only caters if you have reservations because normally, they are fully booked.
Cathedral |
So while taking some rests, we managed to call Kalui's and made a reservation for a dinner for two at 6:30 PM. That was their first batch, another set will be by around 8:00 PM if you prefer a little late dinner.
CHURCH : After a few hours of rest, we took some walk towards the Church, the Immaculate Conception Cathedral. We stayed for a while to offer a few prayers and to ask for guidance and more blessings to come as we geared up for another year of marriage and union.

NCCC Mall : In every place we visit, we always try to give time to visit their malls. Most of the time to buy some bread for the night, or to check out some nice souvenir shirts to take home. So, we went to the NCCC Mall of Palawan. We checked out some shirts but we did not find what we were looking for. We saw some nice shirts at Baker's Hill earlier, but thought, maybe there are other nicer shirts at the mall, but not so many. We somehow regret not buying those t-shirts while we're there. But, maybe there'll be a next time, who knows?

KALUI : So from NCCC Mall, we took a tricycle again and off to Kalui for our dinner. We've already heard that at Kalui, you would have to take off your shoes, but never really imagined that we would. But anyways, when we arrived, they asked for our name for the reservations, and asked us to leave our footwear at their counter.

I've also read some blogs saying that they left their shoes but somebody took it by mistake, so at first I was a bit hesitant to leave them. But since we came in a little earlier, they still have available shoe boxes to put our slippers in, rather than just leave it at the view of all those coming in and going out of the place, and so we did.

When we came in, I could feel the shine and the nice clean floor that they have, and remembered my grand parents house. I told Labsy, if we have a floor like that, I would also ask our visitors to leave their shoes and slippers outside. lol. :)

Well, we weren't there for the slippers/shoes counter, but for a nice dinner date with each other. So, we went in and settled with the table reserved for us. They gave us the menu and we started to order their Kalui Special of the Day Set. It was a set dinner for two already and we both loved it.

The dinner was superb, we both accomplished to have another romantic and fun anniversary date night. We're both glad we made this trip. We enjoyed every second of it, and it made a new day of another year together worth looking forward to.
TIANGGE TIANGGE : After dinner, on our way back to our dorm, we were able to visit Tiangge Tiannge for a few minutes before their closing time. We took a quick glance at the place that housed the memorabilias and souvenirs of Palawan. We did not have that much time to pick something we like to take home, but they have a lot of varieties to choose from. They've got it all from shirts to key chains, to bracelets and necklaces, and not so pricey too.

BAY WALK : We concluded our date with a walk by the bay to ease our full tummy from a terrific dinner earlier. We just took a few minutes of walk and then head back to get a very good night rest with more hope, passion and much love and respect for each other.
MARKET : Morning came and we prepared for our trip back home. Before heading to the airport, we went to the Market to buy some dried fish (Lapu-lapu). Lay (sis-in-law) mentioned that Palawan have cheaper dried fishes, and indeed they do. The dried Lapu-lapu was only Php 150.00 per kilo. We only bought a few since we're traveling lite, so we cannot bring extra heavy bags with us.

While we're there, we also had a chance to buy some key chains as souvenirs or giveaways. They also have other products like bags and wallets, as well as shell necklaces and bracelets. Well, we bought a few key chains for some awaiting friends and refrigerator magnets for ours.
WAGWAGAN : After our market visit, we went for a breakfast at Chowking and we saw a lot of stores they call Wagwagan. I was curious on what's in those stores, and after checking them out from the glass walls of Chowking, those are actually stores that sell ukay-ukay. Well, the Wagwagan sounds cute! Cool!
HOME : After taking our breakfast, we head back to the dorm and geared up to head to the airport for our flights back home.
Fine day at Baker's Hill |
It's always amazing to spend our time (me and Labsy) together being away from the rest. But it's more than awesome if that time carries a special occasion with it. Every anniversary, I always look back and re-lived the moment when I've had the most amazing feeling when Labsy and I became one with the Lord. That everyday, the feeling only grows fonder, more special and more embraced with two loving hearts and satisfied souls...
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