Coffee Sober....
That was it. I thought I couldn't be successful, but to this date April 25, 2011, as far as I could remember, I have been coffee free. I'm so proud of myself. I somehow substituted some chocolate energy drink for it and it was cool...
During those days there had been coffee shop gatherings and hang outs but I chose hot chocolate instead. I loved the smell of coffee as they were served for my company, but somehow I made it to this day not to indulged. Maybe tomorrow I'll have my first sip... ;-)
Well, it's passed Easter Sunday and I made it! If I could do this, maybe I could also let go of other stuff as well. We all could. Perhaps, something really personal next time... and I hope I can, the same way I did with coffee...
But as they say, we'll never know until we do... So let's take one foot and make a little step forward... That's life, let's move on... ;-D
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