Games, my games...
I’m not fond of computer games, I mean the popular computer games nowadays. Which computer games that I’m fond of? Well, minesweeper would top the chart, next would be any low memory grabber car race and any space fighter kind of thing. They come in handy when I get bored or when I want to divert from thinking too serious on something, or when I want to think seriously but not looking on what I want to get serious with. Did I make sense, somehow? I’m not that cool in terms of games. Eventually it bores me. I tried counter strike when it was a hit, but I did not finish my first game, I didn’t find it interesting enough. Sorry to the enthusiast, I guess it's just not for me... But right now, what ticks me off is the Stoneloops of Jurassica that came with the I-Touch my brother gave me last year. Well, that and the iFighter ( ) that helps me kill time when I’m waiting for Labsy in his office as h...