Music like the Old Times

This morning I woke up with a lovely song lingering in the air. Suddenly the bedroom seemed to changed and I felt like everything went back to the early part of the decade of the 90s, and then I felt my lips curve and showed a meaningful smile. I remembered when mp3 wasn't there yet. When all I have were cassette tapes to play our most loved and appreciated songs. When internet was never heard of and lyrics can only be found on the "song hits" magazines.

I recalled myself as a music fan and a lover of good melodies. I felt a ticklish feeling as I imagined myself, back in the days when everything seemed to be very expensive for a regular high school student, that I was. When Air Supply's  songs put meaning to everyday's hope. When Francis M, Gary V, Vanilla Ice, and MC Hammer among others, inspire us to put moves and geared us up for an active and energetic event.

As I went down memory lane, my company when I studied for an exam or a long quiz were hip-hop or rock songs in full/maximum volume. I love loud music as I put some notes into my kind-of-thick-head. LOL. While the love songs were lullabies as I hit the sack at the end of a busy High School day. All of them streamed from my little cassette player that I sometimes open and somewhat dissect for my electronic and electrical curiosity's satisfaction. That sometimes get messed up and I ended looking for a new one. :D

One of my fondest memory was collecting the lyrics of the songs I like. I had a notebook full of hand written songs. But since I don't have the funds to pay for an album or song hits, nor do we have computers back then to encode, let alone an internet, to download songs and lyrics. So to fulfill my goal, I would buy one blank tape, record the songs from the radio (FM), and play it repeatedly with too many pauses along the way as I write down the lyrics. Some artists aren't that clear when they say the words, thus at times, I would write a totally different word, and the song would sound funny... ;P

Haisstt!! The difficulty, without the technology that we have now. Back then, blogging was never an item, and if I have something to share, I'd write in on a piece of paper, but keep it to myself... :)) BUT, I missed those times. When every little hardship was too fulfilling and far way surprisingly amazing.

This morning I woke up knowing that selected MP3 songs were played the whole night from a net-book to serenade us (me and Labsy) as we rest. That cellphones and iPods were right next to us as we check our facebook accounts and tweet something out or to check out news, some hit songs or games, right at the tip or our finger tips. And that internet is not as expensive as it used to be, that it's even lesser than a regular household's electric bill. :)

We (humans) develop these technology enhancements, which gave us more convenience and maybe require lesser time and effort in almost everything we do. In the next decade perhaps, we would recall the 2000's decade and say, "it was a bit harder back then, yet it felt better".

Like music to our ears, we want life to be soothing and entertaining. But one thing that matters is that, we should appreciate every little thing we have and the experience that we had, as we strive for a better tomorrow, with the hope of more contentment and better understanding of what life truly is all about. 


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