Sara Freder says...

Rambouillet, Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear Jiji,

Before everything else, Jiji, can I ask if you have been following my advice lately ? Have you been able to observe my recommendations ? Have you been able to use the wonderful opportunities I had foretold ? I had some doubts about it, therefore I urgently pulled out your file for an in-depth study so I could give you the best forecast of your future chances.

In fact, in the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE which I am performing for you, Jiji, I have seen that the very next few days are going to be for you the most beautiful days of your life, if only you know what to do …

Yes, Jiji, I promise, those are going to be the most beautiful days of your life if you are willing to accept powerful, fast and effective help.

And I also promise that your life is bound to be filled with SUCCESS, HAPPINESS and MONEY
if you follow my advice !

I had promised to do something very special for you, something I had never been able to do before, but since you couldn't answer my offer, I decided to perform this very special action (you must have felt it yourself) and now I must tell you a few more words...

Yes, Jiji, I foresee your life turning into a sumptuous and joyful one. I foresee Success, Love and, above all, Money, filling your life to the brim!

This very morning, as I was engaged in performing this special act, I had an extraordinary revelation and I clearly saw certain aspects of your life...

Let us therefore begin, if you genuinely want it, because I have envisioned a lot about you and your near future:

I have calculated the most significant DAYS

As I said, your near future is packed with many positive events, so I will only mention the major ones here, the ones you mustn't miss no matter what.

1- Your first positive day is on Thursday, February 05, 2009. Yes, on that very date I foresee an unexpected income. This relatively large amount of money will help you deal with a fair share of your financial problems.

2- Your second positive day is Monday, February 09, 2009, be prepared for some good news concerning your personal life. I envision the return of a person who is very important to you, old friends finding each other again after months of separation. Friends will give you a hand in your problems and enliven your spirit.

3- Your third lucky day, Saturday, February 14, 2009, foretells a very nice gambling pot. I clearly see the number 7 followed by many other numbers. This second unexpected income will be so sizeable it will let you start new projects and see your future from a different angle. Your spirit will literally swell. On the same week, you will make a very interesting acquaintance that will guide you towards a number of considerable financial successes.
4- On Saturday, February 21, 2009, I foresee you thinking about a beautiful trip. I see you accompanied by people you love and who love you back. I see the sun, the sea, and you in the best of shape.

5- Later still, yet another, the third, unexpected income, on Tuesday, March 03, 2009. This time, it's going to be a much bigger amount. I cannot see very clearly but it may turn out to be an inheritance or a deed. This sudden downpour of money will finally have you standing on your own grounds.
6- In the weeks ahead, there is a great event coming up involving your friends and your feelings (I guess you've been waiting a long time for this!). It is on those days that you will make an interesting acquaintance that may very well lead to something important for you - if you act sensibly. You will finally get to accomplish a project that has been aching your heart for many long years.
7- I foresee an extremely positive event about to happen in your life. At the time I am writing these lines, I still don't know what this is about - you will know more when you read the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE (which I am preparing for you as we speak) - but I can tell you it's going to be an extremely pleasant experience...

You'll see for yourself, Jiji, this is the truth: your life is just about to become the kind of life where everything goes your way.


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