Be Grateful For Your Job

Be Grateful For Your Job
The Word for Today with Bob Gass
Sunday, 25th January 2009
In every thing give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV

It's too easy to complain about your present position, whether it be as a nightshift cashier in a supermarket or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, without appreciating how you got there. Where would we be without mothers taking up part time work so that their children could take piano lessons, or fathers working second jobs so that their children could attend college? Before you go any further, stop and give thanks for the contributions others have made in your life.

You say, "But things are not going too well for me right now." Perhaps, but when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers he couldn't possibly conceive that God would turn their evil intentions inside out and establish him as a leader to save the nation. The Bible records story after story where adversity leads to advancement and loss leads to gain. There's a master plan unfolding in your life. Be wise, take the lessons you've learned into the future God has in mind for you. When evil comes, be comforted in knowing that God is in control. The devil may be stoking the fire you're in, but rest assured that God has His hand on the thermostat!

The story of Job teaches us that the devil has to be given permission to attack us. So if God is allowing the attack, surely He's planning our victory. He wouldn't allow us to be in a battle we couldn't win! God looks for handpicked people He can send into difficult environments, that He might be glorified. He makes all things "work together for good" (Romans 8:28), so don't be intimidated. Just keep your eyes open and see what God is up to!


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