Fun (but a little sad) Runs....

Before the Run
Me and Labsy just recently joined another craze activity these days. The Fun Runs! This morning was our second time to join, it was sponsored/organized by Globe, the "Dagan-dagan sa Kadalanan sa Araw ng Dabaw 2011" (, while the first one was by Asics/Run Club Davao ( During our first time, we ran on the 4K category, and this morning we tried the 5K. The run was fun, we had a lot of walks and talks along the road too... lol... :D

cellophanes along the road
Recently, I've got asthma attacks (, so during the first run, I was a bit hesitant, and to keep me secure, I brought my inhaler. :)) Luckily, I didn't have to use it during the race. The run did not give me too much hard time that made the inhaler unnecessary then...

The run was generally fun. But, there's just this one thing I've noticed that somehow made me a little sad. Running is a great activity, we all want to get fit and have fun at the same time. But I hoped we don't forget our responsibilities too.

one of the many garbage
bins we passed by
During these fun runs, the runners are also offered some water bags along the way. Thanks to these great people, we were able to refuel our thirst as we run and strive to finish the race. Unfortunately, I can see some runners not minding where they throw the cellophanes as they finish drinking. They'd just throw it anywhere, adding garbage in the streets. For runners aiming to win the race, maybe I won't mind that much, but for runners like us, who are not there to really aim to win, but to have fun, exercise, finish the race and give to charity, I'd raise eyebrows alright... Guys, there are many garbage bins we passed by, just saying...

New garbage bin location?
This morning, it was unfortunate of me to stepped on a cellophane (with still a little water inside), and .... of course the water splashed on my legs, thankfully that's the only bad thing and I didn't slipped. As I get near  the turn-around point, I saw a few runners that seemed like they've been hurt, so I thought maybe they've slipped somewhere or they've just really had a bad foot land or something. Well I hope it wasn't due to the cellophanes on the road. :)

After I passed the turn-around point, I told myself, I'd like to take note of this. So I took some pictures to remind me that it happened...

Thanks to Manong who
took care of the cellophanes
When we reached the finish line, I told myself, that was a good run! Now it's time to take some refreshments and so we lined up for it. It was also the time for the most awaited part of the program, the drawing of raffle stubs. I was among those waiting for my name to be called, but of no luck... ;) And while waiting for the whole program to finish, I noticed, we're not done littering! Despite the assigned garbage bins, some still managed to leave their garbages everywhere... (And we wonder why our drainage are clogged? #justsaying)

I'm far from being perfect, not even a better citizen than most, but trying though... Let's continue to run, have fun, get fit and hopefully avoid littering as we do.... Enjoy life while we can, let's contribute!

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