Dreams... The road less traveled...

I dreamed last night, twice... Two different scenes, two different set of friends, two totally different lifestyles... I woke up and I've got lots of questions in mind... Were those dreams trying to tell me something? Am I in the beginning of two roads and wondering which road to choose?

Now I'm starting to think. How was I on each scenario? Which lifestyle was I happier or contented? As I recall each scene, I seem to be happy on the first dream, or is it because the rest of the people around me were happier? But I have quite a different, yet somehow disturbing excitement on the second. I was more contented and fulfilled, yet the most important person whom I assumed to be happy for me, wasn't.

The first dream was a wedding of a friend in a secluded area, where everything was colorful and festive. I stood in a corner watching everyone having the most memorable time of their lives. The good part is, I was smiling. I felt relieved that the people around me were happy and enjoying the fruits of our relationship.

Despite the suffocating laugh-secreting wind I felt at that corner. I felt a portion of me wanting something else, something that me alone can give or can get for myself. It's like, everyone gets what they want, through me, or that I let them have it, at the expense of my choices/options. But I was contented on what I did for them. I was applauding myself inside, saying, this is what I did for us. Now everyone was having a grand time. But I cannot seem to place myself inside the ballroom of overwhelming happiness.

Then a flash of light appeared and I'm somewhere else. I was in my second dream. It was a scenario of a quiet evening, in a luxurious environment. Hey, I was wearing the most elegant night gown I've ever seen. Labsy and I were on our bedroom, quietly having our night sleep, then a friend knocked on our doorstep and invited us for an undoubtedly extravagant party somewhere, where by the sound of it, only the VIPs get invited. I was overly excited to go, but Labsy was frowning and said to stay home instead, not a sign of enthusiasm or anything like it. The interior appeared to be a house of a fully established individual who is having the time of his/her life and it feels like me. Felt like I was having the time of my life and everything seemed to be going where I want it to. Except that, Labsy didn't seem to approve of where we're heading, but went along anyway.

I don't know yet what those dreams are all about... It just felt like a road less traveled.. But will try to look into some info (http://www.dreammoods.com/), or get a feel of which is which... Maybe there's one bothering me that needs me to decide which path I needed to choose. Which do you think I should be?


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