When do I quit?

I have had a series of unfortunate events recently and sort of telling me to quit everything I'm doing right now and do something else. It made me think of other things I could be doing instead. Maybe, get a better life saver (some call it a job and better doesn't necessarily mean better salary, just better), get away to a better town, maybe country, or just get away from everyone and stay hidden.
Many individuals would resort to look for a better paying job. Search for a greener pasture I guess, then later, not all of them felt the success despite the financial comfort. Although some became too generous to declare success and make the rest of the world feel their failure.
When we're confronted with problems and undeniably depressing situation, some of us tries to escape and look for a place to hide. We somehow let the problem die a natural death, or deal with it when we feel we can and forget it when we think we can't. But the nice thing is, we keep living...
Do you know what I do when I feel like quitting? I'll take my makeup kit on top of my table and start doing my face. I'll start with the foundation, then a powder. Do a little eyebrow makeover, some eye liner one and two, a little brush for blush and my favorite, find the perfect lipstick shade for the moment. When it feels like quitting, I normally get a light shade, just a little pinker than pink, but not too pink and a cream and sugar lip gloss to finish the work.
If you can see me right at this very moment, you'd say I'm about to quit on something, or at least maybe thinking about it. But no, not yet at least... This is just my way of thinking on other things for the moment and not linger on something I cannot just give up right away..
Maybe all of us need a moment for ourselves, JUST for ourselves.. Maybe a little time in front of a mirror with our face coloring stuff will do. It could be something senseless to some, funny to us, crazy for our loved ones, but acting lunatic sometimes help us get out of our shell for a while and rethink of the days ahead in a lighter manner... Or in a more beautiful manner that is...
Maybe it'll turn out that we need not quit on anything... On our career, relationship, wealth, health, family, love or life itself... I'm not saying I shouldn't quit even if after a moment of putting colors on my face, doing some exercise, a good night sleep and a week of pulling strings and punishing my head over work, I still feel the same. Then I think I should... So that's when... in my case...
But when we quit on something, it just means, we're pulling our legs on something else... So let's not quit on everything, just some portions/persons we think we can live life happily without... So re-evaluate... :D
photo from : http://www.zwani.com/graphics/makeup/
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