Me and my blabbermouth...

Do you sometimes hate yourself because you sometimes oversell something? That maybe you talk too much on some things you are not really so sure about? Guess what? Guilty as charged. Maybe I should think twice before I open my mouth. Or maybe I should not believe that anything I say is not worth anything to anyone. Because to some, they are bullets to their guns... :(

Sadly, sometimes we have to learn our lesson the hard way. I hope this time I won't have to 'cause I basically realized that I have said too much to someone about something. I just hope that, that someone won't really think more that what I said, but I cannot really help it if he/she did anyway.

Well, I will just have to find out myself....

In life, there is never a guarantee that we will fail, there will be hints though. But that doesn't necessarily mean that we will... So let's cross our fingers and keep our hopes up (I'm physically crossing my toes as well)... and wish ourselves luck!

By the way, if everything else seem to point to the worse part direction, do pray, and have faith... HE comes in an open door, window even from a crack in the ceiling, mysteriously, and miraculously... almost every time...

*** photo from


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