High School Life... oh my high school life...

As the song goes ...."every memory kay ganda"... It has been 17 years since I graduated from my high school Alma Mater. I still get to see a few friends on some occasions, like weddings, christenings, and the likes. There were a few times, I think a couple of times where we had get together but it was not really a major reunion. We often let the grand reunion organized by the school go since we imagined no one's gonna show up. And for more than one time, indeed very few would be there. The last grand reunion last year was also celebrated by our batch in FB with batchmates all over the world present... cool aye? We were asking each other who attended, and most of us said, "I did'nt". lol...

Newly discovered Love Team
Romh and Cristy
Thanks to facebook, a batchmate, Cristy, set up a group account for our batch and to date, we have 135 active members constantly communicating or at least checking and giving some updates. And that's where everything started. It was just a place for sharing something everyday, then we became accustomed to calling ourselves "ABATZ". Well, my own interpretation was it was short for "Ka-batch" or same batch or batchmates. I personally like it because it's funny and easier to say. It also reminds us of a creature... lol... :))

For Mayor! (peace Jo! :D)
Well, after some postings, giving of comments, teasing each other and crossing beyond all the boundaries internet can crossover, we somehow agreed to organize a meet-up, a reunion nonetheless. I wasn't very active on the preparation, sadly, I didn't have the liberty of time to do so. Thanks to some very patient and enthusiastic batchmates who did, like Cristy (admin), Anie (prex=president), Leo (prince charmus), Lyn (vice prex), Gigi (Sgt. @ Feet), etc. etc, this is just to name some. List of officers below, FB-based and very much tolerated and agreed by everybody, for your intrigued heart...

Abatz to the MAX
They (I couldn't make it on both occasions) met up a couple of times to discuss and somehow get a prelude on what's going to happen on the set reunion date-February 19, 2011. They went all-out-of their way to organize the much awaited meet-up. I almost could not believe what I saw on that night, food everywhere, unlimited fruits, overflowing drinks, countless gifts, give-aways and prizes, people laughing, chanting, teasing, shouting, and it was PERFECT! Thanks guys, you are AMAZING! Everyone deserves an applaud, even our other batchmates who couldn't come because they're on the other parts of the world for being supportive and overly cheering the group for a job-well-done.

Having so much fun!
The reunion took place at Garden by the Bay formerly Maryknoll Beach Resort, located at Lanang, Davao City. It was a good place since it was very accessible, that even those who have very little time to spare can sneak in for a bit to say hi. Very affordable as well and cozy enough and casually located/set up that nobody's gonna feel unwanted, shy and under-dressed in any way possible. That was a good choice of place isn't it?

Talong Winner
Vangie and Richard
I was one of those with only a little time to spare, but spared some nonetheless. We (me and Labsy) had quite a few things to cover during the day so we came in late (6:00 PM), and went home earlier than some (10:00PM) since we will have an early run the following morning for the Asics sponsored fun run. But it was enough time to mingle and giggle with the group. I had so much fun and excitement!

Lining up for their prize
I have known that they had lots of activities earlier, they had games and some surprises. They've started around 3PM, but when I arrived, it seemed like they have just started the fun, since everyone was still full of energy and you can hear everyone's voice in every corner, it's like echoing in my ears. It was dinner time and we made it also as a time to introduce ourselves one by one. Some have changed, some became bigger, some  lighter, shinier, heavier, slimmer, darker, more shy, not shy, but what was true to almost everyone, we became CRAZIER... in a nice way that is.. in a VERY nice way.. :D

I guess, what I'm saying is, I'm so glad I came and so glad to be part of this CRAZY people who have LOTS of LOVE, KINDNESS and FRIENDSHIP to share.... bravo and mabuhay HCA Batch 94!

HCA BATCH '94 OFFICERS for the year 2010-2050

PRES. : Anie C. Gado
V.PRES: Lyn S. Abillero
SEXYTARIES : Lina A. Lopez & Jhona Edilo
TREASURERS : Kevs Rettino & Joy R. Walcott
AUDITORS : Florabel Ampong & Amie Lutz
P.I.O. : Kulay Diaz & Jiji L-B
SGT.@FEET: Kayu, Neil Mc Gary, Adrian Intong, Jaolan Cananea, Gigi G.B., Farida, Ruth Garrote, Perlita, Janet B., Grace Supnet, Elvie L. Pokie, Joy d Guzman.
H.R : Rohm delos Reyes
MUSE:Felve C.

Administrator and Tolerated by: Cristy Villame :)

Approved,Signed and Sealed by: BARK OBAMA & MR. BEAN

Not just high school batchmates
Elementary friends/classmates too
Richard, Dyston, Leo & Me 

- let's value everyone that comes our way, so when we go on separate ways, the memory lingers... enough to keep us company and help us continue living the next phase...  And when we cross paths again, we'd love to welcome another set of memories to keep us living with happy thoughts along the way....

Note: Some of my shots are available at Cristy's FB photo albums...


  1. nice one ji....indeed a wonderful experienced worth keeping for!BRAVO BATCH94-ABATZ!!!

  2. soooooo cool Ji.... GO GO GO ABATZ!

    I miss yah ol!!!

  3. sooooo cool Ji.... Go go go ABATZ!!!

    I miss yah ol!

  4. ngek! naduha akng comment!

  5. wow!!!..love it ji!!!!!...mwuah,mwuah,mwuah!!!...very inspiring,entertaining,cool and a budding writer!!..

    ..idol jd tka vah and julian since hyskul p ta..2 thumbs up q sa nu..

    keep it up ji!!..

    love yah!!:)


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