It's Valentines once again! Yesterday was the day where restaurants and road has something in common, TRAFFIC! Last year, we celebrated our V day over a romantic dinner, with a garden setting. Now I'm smiling thinking about it....;) This year, it's a family dinner. I made reservations to make sure we'll have a table for the night. We had a great time laughing and teasing each other as we enjoyed every piece of what was served for us. Me, Labsy, bro Doy with wife Lay and daughter Yumi, bro Bay with fiancée Aiza and son Kevin, Lay's aunt Te Inday, my niece Neng, bro Not's girlfriend Helen and of course, Mamo. Papo is not yet home but managed to send a dozen of flowers to mom through me and Labsy. It's that time of the year where me and Labsy would have additional careers, liaisons. Flowers, cakes, chocolates, etc. for the other half or partners of my brothers and Papo.

I used to be one of those who doesn't like spending much time or even give importance to Valentines Day. I used to feel weird thinking of a romantic dinner or even receiving roses for that matter. I used to ask my BFs (ex now) to not come to our house on that day cause I don't want us to be seen together. I would put the flower or flowers inside my big, heavy science book to keep it from the eyes of other people. It doesn't seem to fit my personality. But as they say, the only thing constant in this world is change.
Maybe I've changed. I don't get goosebumps receiving flowers anymore. I don't look for a place to hide it as I get myself home. I don't even try to give a damn that I'm bringing a bouquet of flowers and some people are checking it out. But then maybe it's not because I've changed, maybe because I like the thought of receiving them from the person I got it from, and never got a shy feeling of showing it off.

I asked Labsy a couple of questions last night. Why are some guys don't give flowers, or not anymore? Would you later stop giving me? He said no on the latter, and I do hope, he'd keep that. As to my first question. He said, maybe the ladies they gave the flowers to, never showed their gladness that they received some, or did not take care of the flowers they got. Then I remembered my old self, :D. We (guys), would like to know if the gesture was appreciated, or if it was worth the thought and the effort of giving. If in any way we felt it was never a necessity and was just something they can celebrate the day without, then let there be none.

After hearing that I thought, guys are sensitive too then huh... :) And maybe it's not just true on this. Maybe that's what we miss when we used to have something then suddenly we don't. It's even true with mother nature... We should always appreciate and take care of the things given to us. May it be little things like stone, a paper, a flower or something we thought we don't need but we do, like friendship, family or love...
Let us learn to treasure and take care of what we receive everyday. Let's not wait until it's beyond reach and we'll be left missing it for the rest of our lives...
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