High School Life... oh my high school life...

As the song goes ...."every memory kay ganda"... It has been 17 years since I graduated from my high school Alma Mater. I still get to see a few friends on some occasions, like weddings, christenings, and the likes. There were a few times, I think a couple of times where we had get together but it was not really a major reunion. We often let the grand reunion organized by the school go since we imagined no one's gonna show up. And for more than one time, indeed very few would be there. The last grand reunion last year was also celebrated by our batch in FB with batchmates all over the world present... cool aye? We were asking each other who attended, and most of us said, "I did'nt". lol... Newly discovered Love Team Romh and Cristy Thanks to facebook, a batchmate, Cristy, set up a group account for our batch and to date, we have 135 active members constantly communicating or at least checking and giving some updates. And that's where everything st...