2012 06 : Coron, Palawan Vacay Part I

Enough is enough... With my sadness and disappointments with Airphil Express' service. It's time to move on and think of happy thoughts. Let us fly with gladness and cherish good times and exciting adventures in life.

So, that said, let me share my Coron, Palawan experience with Labsy (hubby), brother Nonots and his wife Helen, though we normally call her Kels (long & funny story behind the nickname, perhaps will share it next time). It was our plan to have a relaxing getaway this time. Not the usual, amazing-race-like-adventure that we normally do because we lack time and we want to cover everything. This time, we allotted ample time to enjoy nature and the town of Coron.

Before deciding where to stay in Coron, I've checked a few websites for references. We were looking for an affordable place since we will be staying for a while, seven (7) days that is. Besides the regular hotels, inns and pension houses, there were transient homes being offered.Transient homes good for 12 people for Php 3,500 and the likes. It can also be arranged for a lesser expensive rent for smaller groups. Of all the cellphone numbers I come in contact with in the transient homes category, these are the two numbers that responded 09196042929, which offered the Php3,500 for 12 pax and 09085808180 which offered Php 1,700 for 4 pax, Php 2,700 for 6 pax and Php 3,900 for the whole house, which can cater more than 9 pax.

After much thought and considerations, we opted to stay at GLC lodging house. It's a 5-minute-Php10-tricycle-ride to town, so it's not that noisy during the day. They have a dinning area, we can use to eat together comfortably. Although they don't cook unless you arranged for a package, they have a kitchen you may use if you have the time to cook and prepare your food. Another advantage is that, they have a water dispenser with free water at the dinning area, plus free coffee for all tenants/clients.

Day 1: June 7
Labsy and I arrived on June 7, 2012 at around 2:00PM at Busuanga Airport. Busuanga has quite a small airport but so far, it was the only domestic airport we visited that asked us to fill-in an arrival card form. It felt like filling-in an immigration form in an international flight.

We arrived a day early than Nots and Kels. Our van ride was already waiting for us at the airport for Php150 per person arranged by GLC Lodging House (http://www.coron-glclodginghouse.com/) where we stayed for the whole vacation duration. For direct contact with them, please call/text 09399197303 and 09194162255.

waiting for our baggage
Since it was just the two of us and a week before that, we were too busy preparing, we spent the whole afternoon sleeping, woke up at 9:00PM then ate our "baon"/packed meal from home. Normally, when we take vacations on a not-so-familiar-place, we would pack adobo from home. That is if in case, on our first day, we cannot find anywhere to eat or too tired to look for one.

Day 2: June 8
My brother Nots and wife Kels, arrived in the afternoon of June 8, 2012. So, while waiting for them, me and Labsy had the time to walk around town and inquired for some island tour package. GLC attendant suggested to go to Coron Galeri (http://www.corongaleri.com.ph/) for cheaper package tours and so we did. For a hassle-free tour (http://www.corongaleri.com.ph/?pg=coron_tours_coron_daily_tours), their prices are okay. But we only did this ones, we opted for an exclusive tour the following days. We reserved to join one of their packages, the Php650 worth Coron Island Tour, which we scheduled the following day (June 9). The tour visited Kayangan Lake, Twin Peaks Reef, Atwayan Beach, Coral Garden, CYC Is. and Hidden Lagoon (which I'll be giving you details later).

One of our aims also, is to have a chance to scuba dive in Coron. So after our inquiry with the Island Tour Package, we went to Seadive Resort to inquire. But unlike the dive we had in Davao where in beginner's dive is less expensive than the licensed diver's dive, in Coron, the most expensive dive is the one for the beginners. Although they explained that they will have a thorough orientation for the beginners.

After our inquiries, we went to Coron's Church to pray and ask to bless us with good weather and hassle-free stay in the island. We inquired for a nice place to dine in the island and they recommended the "Kawayanan", but we decided to wait for Nots and Kels to dine there, which we did not pursue due to a disappointing review of a family of Cebuanos we met during our tour the following day.

So we went off for our first town-meal lunch at another suggested place, Lolo Noynoy's Food Station, which we reached through a Php7-tricycle ride from the Church. But, if you're fond of walking, it isn't far, if I recall it right, it's just a couple of blocks away from the Church. Their prices are reasonable and you have quite a few dishes to choose from. We had crablets (Php150), Halo-halo (Php50), Grilled Chicken (Php95), Lumpia Shanghai (Php60), Rice of course and 2 8oz soft drinks (Php15).

Then we strolled along the streets of Coron looking for a bakery so we can buy some bread. That is for our snacks and for the fish feeding during our island tour. As we scanned every corner for a bakeshop, we ended up in the Public Market area, and we found a lone bakeshop in front of the Palanca Guest House. We bought some sliced bread and then headed back to see some stores where we may buy some things we might need during our stay.

We went back to our lodging house to wait for Nonots and Kels so we could go together to Maquinit Hot Spring. They arrived around 5:00PM, rested for a while and then went for a Php350 (The driver would agree for Php250 for 2 pax) bumpy tricycle ride to Maquinit Hot Spring. But before we head to the Spring Resort, we passed by Lolo Nonoy's Food Station to pack some food for our dinner, which we consumed after a hot bath at Maquinit.

Maquinit Hot Spring is open from 9AM to 10PM. But I recommend to go there when you think you need a really warm/hot bath, that is when it rains or during the night, because the place stands to its name HOT Spring. We paid Php150 each for our entrance fee, that is the adult fee for the non-Coron residents. Php120 for Senior Citizens, Php75 for Children 5-10 years old and free for children below 5 years old. For Coron/Culion residents however, whom they require an ID as proof, it is Php75 for adults and free for children below 5 years old.

Day 3: June 9
We prepared for an Island Hopping Tour and went to Coron Galeri at 8:00AM for the assembly. We paid the remaining balance of Php2,100 and then off to the pier for the start of the tour. Since it was a join-in group tour, we had some company, a couple of French guys and a family of three from Cebu, who were the ones disappointed with the not-so-delicious-high-priced menu in Kawayanan.

First stop of the tour is the amazing Kayangan Lake. Before reaching the lake, we had to climb and trek about 150 rocky and muscle tightening steps, which paid off as we swam and linger at Kayangan Lake's beauty and serenity. A few steps before reaching Kayangan Lake, we stopped for a photo opportunity with Coron's famous view that we usually see from postcards and magazines.

We stayed at the Lake for a totally stress-free hour with a relaxing water we floated onto, a serene environment and a family to enjoy those with. We lost track of time, our guide needed to call our attention to come back to the boat.

Something to consider as well, is that since it was a packaged tour, we need not pay entrance fees to the resorts or place we visited, but if it was not, Kayangan Lake is a Php200-per-person-entrance-fee. The water also is quite clear, thus with the aid of an underwater camera, pictures under will be quite amazing.

Our next stop was The Twin Peaks Reef. We spent snorkeling for a few minutes. The current was a bit strong, but it did not stop us from having fun watching and feeding the fishes. If the tide is low, please wear some water-shoes or your slippers because there are a lot of sea urchins lying on the seabed.

 We spent our lunch and siesta time at Atwayan Beach. We did not pay an additional fee, but if you are not on a packaged tour, it is Php100 per person for the entrance fee. The beach was great, we had a grand time swimming and enjoying the sun.

The food that was prepared for us were chicken barbeques, grilled fish, lato salad, some banana, rice of course and a bottle of water. It wasn't really a great meal, and so we wished we brought additional food for ourselves. Specially some soda/soft drinks. We ate some grilled food and it was just not so satisfying to end them with only water. Or perhaps we were just too thirsty, we wanted some very cold drinks to quench our thirst.

After lunch and a few minutes of swimming at the Atwayan Beach, we went a few meters from the shore and did some snorkeling at the Atwayan Coral Garden. The current then was a bit strong and the water was cloudy so we did not have a clear picture under, but we still had fun. It was here where our French companions saw a turtle.

CYC beach is the only place in the island that does not ask for an entrance fee, so you can stay there as long as you want and as frequent as you can. We did not quite like the place since almost half of the shore have mangrooves, although, they were helpful at noon time, giving temporary shades to the visitors like us.

Our last stop was the twin lagoon. It's landing was quite far from where our boat stopped. There were many boats nearer its landing, thus our boat cannot get as near, so we ended up swimming our way to the ladder. Besides going up the ladder and then going down on the other side of the rock formation, there is also a way under. The guide said it was a meter long, so if we opt to go through the whole, we need to hold our breath long enough to get through and get ourselves to the twin lagoon at the other side.

Since the Twin Lagoon was our last stop for the Island Tour, we stayed quite a while and we enjoyed playing with the water and the claw-like part of a tree/plant that were residing in the water quietly like it was their peaceful home. And again, this place asks for Php100 per person if your are not in a packaged tour that includes this.

That concluded our first Island Tour. After the Twin Lagoon, we went back to the pier and then headed back to our lodging house to take a bath and put on some warm clothes.

It was still too early to end the day, so we decided to conquer the steps of Mt. Tapyas after refreshing our wet and salty self from an Island Tour that was almost if not perfect. 

They say it's best to visit, and complete the 724 steps toward Mt. Tapyas view deck in the afternoon as the sun shows itself retiring and bidding goodbye to Coron Town. So after preparing our selves for a sweaty afternoon, we head on to the foot of Mt. Tapyas. From GLC Lodging House, you may ride a tricycle and pay for Php10 to take you to the nearest road going to the foot of Mt. Tapyas where you can start your first step.

We had fun teasing each other and taking pictures of Coron Town as we started to see it from the higher ground. It reminded me of a place, a restaurant in Davao we call Hill Top, where you can see the beauty of the lights coming from the main streets of the city. But in Mt. Tapyas, we could see the beguiling view of the ocean, the giant-like formation of the rocks, the relax town amidst the number of tourists in the area.

But amongst the amazing view we witness while going up to the view deck was the amazing sunset we can never get used to. It always reminded me that everything has to end, but it doesn't have to be ugly, it could be soothingly wonderful and satisfying, which promises an even better and different new beginning.

When we reached the top, we stayed for a few minutes before heading back down. Before I forget, please bring some water or refreshments, you'll need it. We brought some, but it wasn't enough. Good thing, there is a boy vendor who accompanied us and brought some gatorade with him. It was more expensive, but what do you expect? When your sweating and catching your breath, you wouldn't mind. ;)

After a tiring activity going up and down Mt. Tapyas, we passed by a restaurant called Coron Edge and we more than welcome any food at that moment. When we checked out the menu, it was a bit pricy, but not too much also. We ordered rice (Php20), sotanghon guisado (Php160), chopsuey (Php160) and sizzling mixed seafood, which became our favorite (Php215).

It was the first time we were satisfied with the food since we arrived in Coron, and it was perfect for the night. We consumed all we ordered and we went home pretty full and sleepy, like we just had the best part of the day. I guess that's what happen where we're too hungry...   ;) Although some co-tourists had a bad-insect-encounter at this restaurant a few days later. :( Perhaps an accident or their kitchen needs some cleaning or the cook/chef aren't careful enough.

We are still on Day 3 of the adventure, tune in for more fun in the sun on the Part II of this blog. Just remember, "It's more fun in the Philippines!"

Part I Summary of Expenses:

Airport to Lodging House - Php150
Day 1 GLC Room for 2 - Php700
Day 2-3 GLC Room for 4 - Php1,300 per night
Lolo Nonoy's Food Station Lunch - Php415
Maquinit Tricycle - Php350
Maquinit Entrance - Php150 each
Tricycle Rides from the Lodgin House - Php10 each
Tricycle Ride around town - Php7
Island Tour - Php650 each (includes Kayangan Php200, Atwayan Php100, Twin Peak Php100, Twin Lagoon Php100, boat ride and lunch)
Coron Edge Dinner - Php695


1. Sun Cellular does not have a signal, so better bring another sim card to use or try setting up your phone to detect and use smart signal as repeater in the area. This was taught by one of my bosses in the office (Ma'am Milds) and I've only tried this with Samsung Champ but perhaps you can find the equivalent in your phone.
      a. Go to settings then network then network selection
      b. From the usual Automatic, choose Manual then it will scan for available network
      c. Choose Smart then save and go back to home or your main screen, you will find an "R" on the top displays, on some phones, besides the "R", there is also a "Sun Smart" display.
      d. Then do the same steps, except pick automatic so the phone will pick Sun again, but every time, sun has no signal in the area, it will use, smarts. :)

2. Plastics are not allowed in Coron, so better bring your own containers or plastics if you think you will need them.

3. They do not have a convenience store, seven eleven or mini stop that's open 24 hours. So better bring all you need to bring for your trip. There are no malls nor a grocery store like the ones in the city. Their grocery store is a sari-sari store this is larger than the usual store you find along the streets. We normally visit the Road Side Store for some little "shopping".

4. SUNBLOCKS!!! You will need more than you think you would!


  1. Hi!

    Do you have the contact number of GLC Lodging House? Thanks! :)

    1. hi! i haven't been active with my site recently but i hope you saw the contact numbers above...

      GLC website: http://www.coron-glclodginghouse.com/

      contact: 09399197303 and 09194162255."


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