Mati Island Hopping Escapade

In Davao Philippines, we were blessed with nice beaches, great resorts and different venues of the beauty of nature...

Our current location in Davao City, gave us much chances and opportunities to explore the wonders of nature. But, we've never had enough... So off, set to go out of town and seek the beauty of Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines for an exciting Island Hopping on the 23rd day of May 2010...

Journey started at 1:30AM, then blank, (I slept all the way...zzzzz...). We arrived in Dahican Beach. Nice beach, beautiful place... Stayed there 'til breakfast, then off to Masaw to hop on the boat waiting for us to start our Island Hopping experience... First stop, Waniban Island... I was in awe as I stepped on the grain of sands and saw my foot prints and the wonderful beach that awaits us...

And I thought I saw the best, but the nature told me, "not just yet"... Me and the rest of the group, went back on the boat and waited with excitement on the next Island to visit... Before reaching the 2nd Island, we passed by the White Island known to some as the "Vanishing Island"... Nothing else on sand, but nothingness... It was literally, just sand and sea... Well, we went on... and after a few more minutes, right in front of us is the Pujada Island...

Wow! It's just so WOW! The water was so clear, sand was so powdery and the feeling is so grand! I told myself, my day has just been made... We stayed for a while, took a few surfing lessons... and of course tried the surfing board myself... well, manage to stay afloat somehow... :D

We then went back to Waniban Island, had our lunch and siesta... then back to Dahican Beach, took a swim again, some snacks then geared up to go home...

It was so much fun... So you guys out there... Get your dog a sombrero, and let's get hip and hop on the wonders of the world...

Acknowledgment: Thanks to Arthur Yap for the Pic (Surfing...)

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