I cried yet again...
And so it fell... And then comes the sobbing, the sneezing but the pain didn't stop... I cried yet again because of anger and pity.... I lost another dear one... I lost her because I failed to be a good caretaker... I hate myself for being so relaxed and forgetful... I've been wanting to give her the meds, but forget to buy one every time... I wasn't able to visit her as often as before... I was careless... And I blamed myself for losing her... And now, I missed her... I missed my Kiki... She was a brave friend... And an intelligent one to add... But she's gone... I'll never gonna see her again... But I wanna tell her, I'M SORRY... That's the only thing left to say... I'm forever grateful to her for the laughters we share... and forever be sorry for my shortcomings and for the things I missed... Goodbye Kiki... I hope I can make it up to you somehow... I loved you...

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